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  Holiday Closing
Spencer Savings Bank will be closed February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day. For your convenience, account information can also be accessed 24/7 through our online banking, mobile banking and telephone banking platforms. Read Full Message

Stay Vigilant and Know The Red Flags To Protect Your Personal Information!

Fraud Prevention

Through new technology innovations, fraud attempts are on the rise. Being aware of some of the most used schemes is the only way to prevent becoming a victim of fraud.

At Spencer Savings Bank, we understand the importance of safeguarding your hard-earned money. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to protect yourself against fraud.

Discover the Threats: Various types of fraud, from phishing scams to identity theft, pose risks to your finances. Stay informed to spot red flags and outsmart fraudsters. Always exercise caution and be aware that a financial institution or government agency will never ask you for this information.

  • Phishing: Fraudsters send emails pretending to be from legitimate organizations, asking for sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers.
  • Wire Transfer Fraud: Fraudsters trick victims into wiring money to them under false pretenses, such as posing as a relative in need with urgent payment needs.
  • Identity Theft: Thieves steal personal information, such as SSN or driver’s license numbers, to open fraudulent accounts or make unauthorized purchases.

Stay Vigilant: Safeguard your personal information as it’s invaluable. Secure passwords, identify secure websites, and avoid sharing confidential details with unauthorized sources.

Be Fraud Savvy: Fraudsters constantly evolve their tactics. They may pretend to be an employee of the bank or a government agency. They are known to fake a caller ID number, voice recording, or even the template of an email. Equip yourself with knowledge about common scams targeting bank customers to avoid becoming a victim.

Your Vigilance Is Key

Do not give out any information or answer personal questions. If you suspect fraud or encounter anything suspicious,
contact our Customer Service Center immediately at 1-800-363-8115 to address the issue promptly.